
Journals in Geology & Geophysics, and maybe other areas, that I am under no illusion I can keep up with. An attempt to organize them will be made ... but will probably fail.

You can keep up with new issues via a journal's RSS feed or suscribe to emails with their latest table of contents. For RSS, I find that the Thunderbird email client has good RSS capabilities as does the Vivaldi Browser. As a bonus, both Thunderbird and Vivaldi run on Linux.

For an online RSS reader there is Miniflux, BazQux Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, and FreshRSS. And a bajillion-gazillion others I am unaware of 😉.

Geology and Geophysics

Here is a list of journals from Geoscienceworld. Geoscienceworld is a great resource, generally.

Journals of the Geological Society of America (GSA)

Journals of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Here is the page containing all AGU Journals and bulleted below are the ones I most often take a peek at:

SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists

AAPG - American Association of Petroleum Geologists

General List of Geology & Geophysics Journals


Mineralogy - but including petrology and geochemistry.

Economic Geology


Soil Science

Philosophy & Friends



