Journals in Geology & Geophysics, and maybe other areas, that I am under no illusion I can keep up with. An attempt to organize them will be made ... but will probably fail.
You can keep up with new issues via a journal's RSS feed or suscribe to emails with their latest table of contents. For RSS, I find that the Thunderbird email client has good RSS capabilities as does the Vivaldi Browser. As a bonus, both Thunderbird and Vivaldi run on Linux.
For an online RSS reader there is Miniflux, BazQux Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, and FreshRSS. And a bajillion-gazillion others I am unaware of 😉.
Here is a list of journals from Geoscienceworld. Geoscienceworld is a great resource, generally.
Mineralogy - but including petrology and geochemistry.